
Watch the Trailer

Watch the Bonsai People trailer here, and support the filmmaker by renting or purchasing the film on Vimeo.


Whole Foods Film Festival

Holly Mosher speaks about her film Bonsai People – The Vision of Muhammad Yunus to the Whole Foods Film Festival Do Something Reel team:


Excerpts from Bonsai People

And watch a few excerpts from Bonsai People below:


Grameen Kalyan - Healthcare

During the years, Yunus discovered that most of the people having problems paying back their loans were suffering from health issues in their family. Here’s his answer with Grameen Kalyan (Healthcare):


Grameen Shikkha – Education:


Grameen Shakti – Alternative Energy:


Grameen Green Children Eyecare Hospital:


Grameen Communications:


California State University – Channel Islands – Grameen Creative Lab:


Muhammad Yunus on the Davos Question:


Old trailer – when called Small Change: World of Difference


Watch Holly’s first film – Hummingbird: